Driving Policy – City and Personal Vehicles/Equipment
Date Established: October 19, 2020
Date Last Updated: October 19, 2020
This policy is to be used for the consistent and uniform administration of record keeping, taxation, and public purpose requirements and on assignment and use of the City’s fleet. The policy applies to all units in the fleet – owned, leased, loaned, or rented – and to all permanent, part time, and temporary employees of the City. This policy will override any inconsistencies that may exist in other departmental policies or job specifications.
Policy Statement
Public Purpose Served
The City’s fleet is public property, provided to help serve, maintain, protect, and improve the community and the citizens of Ames. Funds used to obtain and maintain the fleet come mainly from all the tax or fee-based funds and enterprises as authorized by the City Council.
City staff, City facilities, the fleet, and all City resources are solely dedicated to serving the public. Neither the fleet, nor any other City asset, shall be used for anything other than service to the public.
Vehicle Assignments
All units in the fleet are provided for specific duties and assignments and to provide specific public services in all areas of the City. Any unit in the fleet shall be made available by the assigned operating department/division to any other department/division during emergency and non-emergency times of need, and/or for the general good of the whole organization and community. Sharing of any unit shall not diminish the ability of any division to perform its duties and services.
The City Manager or other designee shall approve the assignment of specific vehicles/equipment to specific positions, usually not to specific employees. These assignments will be based on transportation needs agreed to between the City Manager or designee and the Department Head for each division.
At this time there is no minimum criteria established for these assignments. Department Heads are responsible for determining the need for all fleet vehicles and equipment and recommending specific assignments to positions.
Documentation Required
1. Employees Required to Drive City Vehicles or Operate City Equipment for Work:
Employees required to drive vehicles or operate equipment to conduct work activities must wear a seat-belt and adhere to Iowa Code Chapter 321 which pertains to safety, insurance, and licensure requirements including maintaining a valid Iowa operators permit/license required for the specific type/class of unit they operate. Employees must inform their supervisor immediately if their driving/operating permits are revoked, suspended, or expired. Failure to immediately inform a supervisor of loss of driving/operating privileges may result in discipline. Employees without valid operating or driving permits cannot operate or drive a fleet unit until their privileges are restored, and proof is provided to the City.
Employees whose jobs require the ability to operate a vehicle, whose driving/operating permit has been revoked, suspended, or expired, may be subject to discipline under the Maintenance of Credentials Policy.
Since the City has liability for driving actions taken by employees, employees required to drive vehicles must submit to an annual check of their motor vehicle driving record to verify that the license is valid. This check will be managed by the Human Resources Department.
2. Employees Permitted, but not Required, to Drive City or Personal Vehicles for Work
Employees permitted to drive or operate vehicles and equipment to conduct work activities must maintain a valid Iowa operators permit/license required for the specific type/class of unit they operate. Employees without valid operating or driving permits cannot operate or drive a fleet unit until their privileges are restored, and proof is provided to the City. Since the City has liability for driving actions taken by employees, employees will not be permitted to drive a City vehicle unless they submit to an annual check of their motor vehicle driving record.
Employees who drive a City or personal vehicle on City business are required to wear a seat belt and adhere to Iowa Code Chapter 321 which encompasses safety, proper licensure, and required insurance coverage.
In the event of an insurance claim involving the employee’s personal vehicle being used for City business, the employee’s personal insurance coverage will apply first. Any valid liability claims above the limits of the employee’s personal insurance coverage will be paid by the City, provided that the accident occurred while the employee was acting within the scope of their employment.
3. All Users of City Vehicles – Maintenance and Use Records
Employees shall accurately report to Fleet Services the type and amount of use of any/all unit(s) in the fleet that they operate; any/all service or repair they may have had done to any units without the knowledge of Fleet Services; fuel purchases, oil changes, washes, etc. Fleet Services will use all this information to monitor and report fleet use, capture fleet expenses, and project future costs for budget purposes.
Fleet Services will maintain a list of the City’s fleet by department and division; and use all the operating and maintenance data and history to manage the City’s fleet.
The City Manager or designee will authorize these assignments and Fleet Services will maintain the official master list of record.
City vehicles are not to be used by City employees for commuting to or from home “before or after hours,” for lunch, or for personal business. “De minimis” personal use is allowed as outlined in the “Incidental Personal Use” section of this policy.
Exceptions may be requested by Department Heads, and approved by the City Manager, when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City for specific employees to take a unit home to provide quicker/better response times to after-hours service calls or emergency incidents.
These vehicles shall be limited to “qualified non-personal-use vehicles” as defined by the IRS. These vehicles include:
a. Clearly marked police and fire vehicles.
i. Unmarked vehicles used by law enforcement officers if the use is officially authorized.
b. Any vehicle designed to carry cargo with a loaded gross vehicle weight over 14,000 pounds.
c. Vehicles such as the Electric bucket trucks, street sweepers, snowplows, etc.
Commuting does not include authorized out of town travel for City business.
The Fleet and Facilities Director shall provide to the City Manager a current list of the employees who are recommended for commuting, where they will commute to, the vehicle(s)/equipment involved, and the dates affected. The City
Manager shall approve/deny each request in writing. Department Heads shall keep this authorized list current with the Fleet and Facilities Director.
These vehicles/equipment are to be parked and secured at the employee’s residence during off-duty hours and used only for official City business or service. Each unit shall be returned to its assigned location for the next scheduled work period.
Restricted Vehicle/Equipment Use
The City’s fleet is provided exclusively for the sole purpose of serving and maintaining the community of Ames and shall be used only in performing the municipal services and programs authorized by the City Council. No unit in the fleet shall be used for personal use or gain, any use for profit, or for illegal purposes.
Incidental Personal Use
Incidental or “de minimis” personal use is allowed in a very limited manner that conforms to IRS regulations. De minimis use when on City business is allowed in circumstances such as: restroom stops, refreshment breaks, or travel to meals and meetings when no other means of transportation is available, provided that such use qualifies as de minimus use under applicable IRS regulations.
Any other type of personal use is prohibited and subject to disciplinary action. In addition, any prohibited personal use of vehicles will be charged to the employee using the appropriate IRS valuation method and either reimbursed by the employee or added to their reported wages in accordance with IRS regulations.
Distracted Driving Policy
Distracted driving can impair safe driving and contribute to vehicle accidents. This policy applies to all units in the fleet – owned, leased, loaned, or rented – and to all permanent, part time, or temporary employees of the City or those employees driving personal vehicles for business of the City.
Texting while driving, other activities that would unnecessarily distract employees from driving are prohibited. Any driver found to have violated this policy may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Contact Information
Fleet Services Director
Risk Manager
Human Resources Director