Reduction in Force Policy

Reduction in Force Policy

Date Established: October 19, 2020
Date Last Updated: October 19, 2020


This policy is intended to outline the process used for reductions in force and the rights to be maintained by employees in the event of a reduction in force.

Policy Statement

Reductions in force in the City of Ames are rare. For all positions subject to Civil Service, the reduction in force will take place in accordance with any provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 400 and the City’s Civil Service Policies and Procedures. If the position is not subject to civil service, the reduction in force procedures will follow the principles of Chapter 400 and the City’s Civil Service Policies and Procedures, except that no preferred re-hire list will be created. Additionally, employees subject to reduction in force will be provided protections and benefits as described below:

Positions Subject to Reduction in Force Procedures in a Collective Bargaining Agreement:
Where reduction in force procedures are described in a collective bargaining agreement, the procedures in that agreement will apply.

Positions Not Subject to Reduction in Force Procedures in a Collective Bargaining Agreement:
For reductions in force where a collective bargaining agreement does not apply, the following provisions will apply:

1. If the employee is appointed to City employment in a different position prior to the separation date, the employee may retain accrued vacation leave. However, if the maximum accrual possible in the new position is less than the previous position (e.g., the previous position was a full-time position and the new position is a half-time position), any vacation in excess of the new maximum will be paid in cash.

If the employee is not appointed to a different City position, accrued vacation leave will be paid upon reduction in force.

2. If the employee is appointed to City employment in a different position that is eligible for sick leave benefits prior to the separation date, the employee may retain accrued sick leave. If the employee is not appointed to a different sick leave-eligible position prior to separation, accrued sick leave will be paid out as if the employee has retired under the “Payment for Unused Sick Leave Upon Retirement” section of the Employee Handbook.

Regardless of whether the employee is paid out for sick leave, if the employee returns to regular City employment within three years, the employee will be credited the hours of sick leave for which they were not paid (e.g., up to 720 hours for a full-time employee).

3. If the employee is re-hired into any regular City position within three years, the employee’s years of service will be reinstated for the purposes of vacation accrual, longevity pay, employee recognition, and eligibility for retirement gifts.

Contact Information
Human Resources Department